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Oct 2022 - May 2023

Redesigning the tutor’s experience of PLUS, an AI-assisted tutoring software

PLUS is an after-school math learning solution that combines highly trained human tutors with cutting-edge, AI-driven software to boost learning gains for middle school students from historically underserved communities. PLUS tutors are currently serving students in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and California.

I was responsible for redesigning the tutor login’s homepage, message center, notification feature, and the organization of lessons in both web and mobile interfaces. The redesigned pages are officially launched. 

UI/UX Design
User Research


Enhanced tutor’s login navigation and aligned UI with updated visual system for web and mobile views

01. Reimagined Information Architecture of Tutor’s Homepage - Intuitive Starting Point for Seamless Navigation Across the App's Pages

02. Visualized New Lesson Notifications - Informing Tutors with Timely Updates and Direct Access to Lessons

03. Redesigned message center - Aligning Visual system to Brand Guidelines

04. Incorporated Expandable Lesson Detail Display - Allowing Tutors with Versatility in Viewing Training Lessons